Ullr victory animation(Smite)

I animated this victory animation for the latest Ullr skin, Ullr is one of the God of the video game SMITE.

SMITE Hero Idle Variation Animation(Hou Yi)

In video game animation, an idle variation are those animations that makes the character's idle looks alive rather than repetitive.

Dungeon Defenders 2 Release Trailer Progression Reel

In this video I show a progression reel for the animation I did for the release trailer of Dungeon Defenders II, a game I was working for a year.

Progression reels are always fun to watch. When I was starting on my career as an animator I loved, and still love, to watch progression reels because that way I could see how a professional animator would approach an animation shot.

Since it was an action type of scenes, I did a very rough animation, with linear tangents and started to polishing and adding secondaries animations until I got the result that I wanted.

I hope you enjoy it, feel free to comment if you want.

Happy animating!

NPC animations - Dungeon Defenders 2 -

This is an animation that I did also for Dungeon Defenders II. Animating NPCs(non player character) are always fun to animate. These kind of animations are most of the time more leaning toward acting specially when they have interactive functions.


Dryad emote animation - Dungeon Defenders 2 -